Childcare International Support



The service offered by Childcare International is ongoing. Throughout your candidate’s stay in Britain regular contact will be maintained to ensure a successful placement.

We will give every assistance possible to ensure that your candidate enjoys the most beneficial stay.  We are all very aware of how hard it can be to settle into a new country and a new family and we ask out host families to be as helpful as possible in assisting their candidate to find friends living nearby through local WhatsApp groups and word of mouth.  Undoubtably with local friends your au pair, mother's help or nanny will adjust more happily to her new lifestyle.

Wherever we have another candidate in close proximity to another, we will certainly make the necessary introductions.  

We are committed to ensure that each candidate and host family enjoy the best possible experience and we are available to assist whenever necessary.

Each successful placement will depend on mutual understanding and open communication between both parties

Au Pair Core Skills Training Course

Childcare International is proud to offer the onlineaupaircourse to our host families and au pairs which provides candidates with a useful tool to enhance their experience. 

The platform can be accessed through the  website h

Contact us for your discount code.

This comprehensive course covers;

Module 1: Introduction to Childminding
Module 2: Birth to 12 Months
Module 3: Infant Care – Safety and Daily Needs
Module 4: Becoming a Toddler 1-2 years
Module 5: From Toddler into Pre-school Years
Module 6: School Age Children
Module 7: General Health and Nutrition for Children
Module 8: Caring for the sick child
Module 9: Discipline and Limit Setting
Module 10: Self Care and Housekeeping